Republicans stump for support at forum

By Traci Chapman
Published on May 29, 2008

Eleven candidates who have announced their intention to run in county races “sat on the hot seat” Tuesday in a Republican Party forum held at Mustang Town Center.

The candidates, who included five contenders for the District 2 County Commissioner seat and two each vying for the offices of sheriff, county clerk and court clerk, appeared in front of a crowd of about 130 voters and supporters. Each was posed three questions selected by party members, Pete Katzdorn, GOP county chairman, said.

“We wanted to give each of the candidates a chance to be heard before the primary,” Katzdorn said. “We expected a good turnout, but this is even better than expected.”

Two candidates, Democrats Anna Hrdy and Sherry Murray, both running for court clerk, did not participate in the GOP-only forum.

District 2 Commissioner Don Young has not said whether he will run for re-election. The filing period for offices opens Monday. Young attended the forum but did not participate.

Canadian County Sheriff

Incumbent Lewis Hawkins and former sheriff’s deputy Randall Edwards disagreed on programs discontinued under Hawkins’ leadership as sheriff and a proposed county jail rejected by voters May 13. While both said a new jail is needed to ease overcrowding, which county officials have said has plagued the current facility, the candidates debated size and price tag of a new complex.

Edwards said he would like the county to consider a smaller facility — such as the Logan County jail, recently constructed for about $7.5 million — rather than the $24.8 jail proposed in the recent bond election.

“I know it might not have all of the amenities, but it would be a big step up from what we have now, and we can add on from there as funds become available,” he said.
Edwards said several programs “discontinued” by Hawkins, such as a county drug task force, interstate drug program and K-9 division, could be resumed, generating funds that could be used to fund a new facility.

“Those programs brought a lot of money into the county,” he said. “If I’m elected, I’ll reinstate those programs.”

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