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Seeking common ground - Chamber, city officials call for new contract; mayor’s plan criticizedBy Traci Chapman Mustang Chamber of Commerce leaders and City Council members vowed to “work together” to hammer out a contract between the two entities Tuesday. Several members of the chamber’s executive board attended the Council meeting to discuss financial arrangements between the city and chamber. The need to draft a new agreement between the city and chamber came to light earlier this month, when it was discovered the chamber’s lease for its office at Mustang Town Center expired in 2004. Questions first arose about the city-chamber relationship during budget sessions and the June 3 budget hearing when some Council members questioned the benefits of the arrangement between the two. At the June 3 meeting, Landrith said, “I have a hard time with the chamber. I wish they were more on their own from a funding perspective. I think about who shows up to volunteer, and it is more those folks from outside of Mustang. I don’t like the idea that this is not a true Mustang chamber.” On Tuesday, Landrith and Ward 2 Councilwoman Kathleen Moon clarified statements made during that meeting, saying their concerns stemmed from questions pertaining to “the legality of the contract, rather than where the chamber membership is located.” City and chamber officials subsequently discovered the lease between the parties expired in 2004. In order to “move us all along,” Landrith said he e-mailed a proposed contract to Council members, City Manager David Cockrell, chamber members and the media Tuesday. Landrith said one reason he drafted the agreement was in response to remarks made in a newspaper article last week by chamber members. “I heavily object to comments about isolationism and us versus them. I was elected for the 2 by 6. It is the 2 by 6 for me. I’m sorry, but that’s how it is,” Landrith said. “We don’t have to help them sell papers — if you want to keep going to the paper, that’s not a partnership.” -The chamber should open its committee meetings to the press and public; Ward 3 Councilman Scott Gibson said Landrith’s draft represented “micromanaging of this government,” and Gibson quoted a portion of the Mustang City Charter to back up his position. “Obviously, no legal counsel reviewed this document. If this situation came up, and it was me, I would have asked my staff, the people that I trust, to provide me with a draft agreement,” he said. Gibson said Landrith’s proposal was “precisely ‘us versus them’ — when you talk about a forum and the city paying for businesses in the city limits being paid for by us and those outside being paid by the chamber.” Tate said, “We can’t survive just on the city limits of Mustang. We’re Mustang at heart. We love Mustang. We want what’s best for this city.” Ward 1 Councilman Jay Adams and Ward 4 Councilman Keith Bryan both agreed a new contract is necessary but said they believed Landrith’s proposal was beyond the scope of what was needed. “I believe this is excessive at a time that it’s not really necessary,” Adams said. The job of drafting a contract between the city and chamber was then turned over to Cockrell and City Attorney Jonathan Miller. They will work with chamber leadership to hammer out the details “as soon as possible.” Recent IssuesSpecial Sections |
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