Gallop to help Nightriders, promote healthy lifestyle in Mustang

bronco gallop 2013 courtesy web

By Traci Chapman

Being a Mustang High School Nightrider is a lot of work, Carl Eggleston says.

Now people are going to run – and work – for them.

Now in its second year, Mustang Gallop is a run designed to benefit both the Nightriders organization and Masonic Charitable Foundation, organizer Eggleston said.  Comprised of 10K, 5K and a one-mile fun run, the event is a way for him to share two of his passions with others.

“I love to run, I was a former runner and was injured, but I’m a big believer in promoting a healthy lifestyle,” Eggleston said Monday. “Then I wanted to help others, and this is a great way to do it.

Bronco Gallop Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit. The group was founded to help the Mustang area as it grows and expands, Eggleston said.

“The Masons helped people to the tune of $25,000 last year, but our community is growing at such a fast clip that we’re not always able to keep up with the need,” Eggleston said.

The Nightriders were a good choice because of the number of students impacted, as well as the sheer volume of work and sacrifice put into their craft by band members. Nightriders Director Ryan Edgmon said last week more than 960 students will take part in band on the high school and middle school levels during the next school year.

“The band is an entity that’s busy year-round so we thought what a great opportunity to help someone out,” Eggleston said.

The Gallop is certified and registered through USA Track and Field, and Mark Bravo, author of Momentum, has been invited to the city for the second year. The run begins at the south end of Mustang Bronco Stadium.

In its inaugural event, the Gallop broke even, which for a first-year race, “was really good,” Eggleston said. With 100 runners participating last year, organizers hoped to increase that money and generate needed funds, he said.

Registration fees are $25. Everyone who registers by Thursday, June 5 at midnight will be given a Tshirt in their size and all participants will receive a medal. There will be cash awards for the top three male and female runners, Eggleston said.

“It’s a fun event, it’s for a good cause, and we’re really excited to bring this back this year,” he said. “This is really about helping a couple of good causes and promoting a healthy lifestyle.”

For more information, go online to or to the event’s Facebook page, located at







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