Mustang Elementary wins fourth consecutive prize

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By Traci Chapman

Two years, four wins. That’s the record held by Mustang Elementary art students.

It was announced Tuesday the group won their fourth consecutive Made by Milk contest. With the win came a prize of $1,500 students would dedicate to purchasing gym equipment, teacher Kent Hathaway said.

“John Wooden could not have said it better, ‘It takes talent to be a champion, but it takes Character to remain one,’” Hathaway said Tuesday. “Mustang Elementary students have shown that they have the talent, and character to remain a champion among the nation’s most talented students.”

Sponsored by Evergreen Packaging, officials there were “overwhelmed” at the students’ latest creation – “Smaug” from Lord of the Rings.

“The creativity from Mustang students and faculty thoroughly impresses us year after year. Their dedication to collecting and recycling thousands of milk cartons for the Made By Milk contest showcases their ongoing commitment to sustainability and teaching their students the importance of environmental responsibility.”

Students previously won for their visions of a coral reef, Golden Gate Bridge and, most recently, a space shuttle. They can now add the tally of their winnings at $16,500 on behalf of the school, Evergreen representatives said.

It was yet another honor for Hathaway, who was named both Mustang Elementary and Mustang Public Schools district teacher of the year. He said while the honors are wonderful, the best thing is helping the school and bringing art to students – while teaching them about other things, as well.

“That’s the most exciting part – that everyone gets affected by what all of us as teachers are trying to do,” he said. “It’s even more exciting when you think about the fact that most of these students are 10 years old.”